Royal Decree Promulgating the Statistics and Information Law

مرسوم سلطاني بإصدار قانون الإحصاء والمعلومات

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التقرير السنوي 2023

يتضمن التقرير استعراض لأبرز ما حفل به عام 2023 من أحداث وفعاليات ومشاريع ومنجزات، كما يرصد مسيرة ال

Royal Decree

No 55/2019

Promulgates the Statistics and Information Law


We Sultan Qaboos bin Said                     Sultan of Oman

Having examined the Basic Law of the State issued by the Royal Decree No. 101/96,

The Statistical Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 29/2001,

Royal Decree No. 31/2012 establishing the National Centre for Statistics and Information,

The National Centre for Statistics and Information System issued by Royal Decree No. 40/2014,

Following the presentation before Majlis Oman,

As required by the public interest.

we decree the following

Article (1)

The Statistics and Information Law attached to this decree shall be enforced.

Article (2)

The Chairman of the National Centre for Statistics and Information shall issue the Executive Regulation and decisions necessary for the implementation of the attached law after the approval of the Centre's Board. The Chairman shall also issue the National Data Strategy after the approval of the Centre's Board and the Council of Ministers. Till then, the regulations and decisions being implemented shall continue to be enforced, but without prejudice to the provisions of the attached law.

Article (3)

The Statistics Law promulgated under Royal Decree No 29/2001, as well as all that contradicts the attached law or contravenes it provisions shall be deemed cancelled.

Article (4)

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and enforced with effect from the day following its publication date.


Issued in 28 Shawal 1440AH

Corresponding: 2 July 2019


Qaboos bin Said

Sultan of Oman

Statistics and Information Law

Chapter (1)

Definitions and General Provisions

Article (1)

In the application of the provisions of this Law, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed thereto, unless otherwise is required by the context:


National Centre for Statistics and Information.


Chief Executive Officer of the Centre.


Executive Regulations of the Statistics and Information Law.

Data :

A set of letters, words, numbers, symbols, images, or signs related to the changes inside the community.


A set of data processed, related to economic and demographic, social, demographic, geographic, technical, cultural, environmental aspects and other aspects.

Individual Data:

Data that identifies the natural or legal person, and provides it upon request.


Data collection and processing in a format that is easy to analyze and interpret.

Data and Information Availability:

Provide users with data, information and statistics throughout the appropriate means.

Official Statistics:

Statistics issued by the Centre, or any other government agency.

Statistical Activities:

Measures, means and procedures leading to the provision and availability of data and information.


Centre, or any other government agency.

In charge of statistical activities:

Any natural person or a legal entity that performs a statistical activity.


A group of individuals or persons who have common characteristics that are the subject of study.


Counting all units within a given community at a specific time.


Collect sample data from a particular community to estimate the specific characteristics of that community at a specific time.


To inquire about the trends and opinions of a community towards a particular topic at a specific time.


Any governmental or non-governmental entity, profitable or nonprofit, individual or community, selected to conduct the study.

Administrative Records:

Paper or electronic records in which the collected data and information you collect are recorded by government or non-governmental entities for different administrative purposes.


Every fixed or part of a building in which an economic or non-economic activity is practiced or prepared for that purpose.

Data Strategy:

An integrated framework for the organization and management of data produced by governmental and non-governmental entities. It includes options and decisions to transfer and integrate data between entities.


Article (2)

The statistical activities aim at achieving the following:

  1. Providing accurate and up-to-date data and information for various economic, demographic, social, technical, cultural, environmental aspects and other aspects.
  2.  Support and develop scientific and technical research.
  3. Raising awareness of individuals and governmental and non-governmental bodies of the importance of statistics and information.

Article (3)

Statistical activities shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this law, rules, procedures and controls determined by the Regulations.

Article (4)

The regulation classifies official statistics.

Article (5)

The Centre prepares the national data strategy in coordination with the concerned authorities.

Article (6)

The data strategy includes the following characteristics:

  1. the definition of the data produced by the entities, reasons and objectives for collecting them.
  2. Determine the source and ownership of the data.
  3. Mechanisms for the exchange and integration of data and making them available to governmental and non-governmental bodies.
  4. Mechanisms for the creation, use, storage and control of data and the selection of appropriate technologies and the mechanisms for monitoring its performance.
  5. Data processing, governance, storage, quality assurance and classification, confidentiality and validity period.
  6. Data destruction standards and mechanisms.
  7. Data quality assurance mechanisms.


Article 7

The Royal Oman Police shall assist statistical personnel in the performance of their duties.

Article (8)

All governmental and non-governmental entities, and individuals each within its field of competence, shall cooperate with the Centre in the implementation of the provisions of this law. The security authorities shall be excluded from providing statistical information that the National Security Council considers to be confidential.

Article (9)

Government entities are obliged to notify and coordinate with the Centre prior to the establishment or amendment of any system to process administrative records, in order to take the necessary measures that serve official statistics.

Article (10)

When collecting data and information, government agencies shall:

  1. Include the ID number of individuals, or the commercial registration number of corporations, companies and others in their administrative records, and use them in communication between government bodies.
  2.  Include the title and symbol of the coordinate of the location of the residence, work of the individual, or enterprise, in its administrative records.
  3.  Any other controls specified by the Regulations.

Article (11)

All individual data that is related to any statistics, shall be considered confidential in accordance with the the provisions of this Law. This data may not be published except in a composite form. It is prohibited to share them with any individual, governmental or non-governmental entity, nor to use them but for the statistical purposes.

No individual statement obtained, may be used to arrange any financial burden, nor may it be taken as evidence of a crime, or a basis for a legal action or procedures. It could be used as evidence against those who provide incorrect statements or information.


Article (12):

It is prohibited to publish or disclose relevant data and information on official statistics by any means that refer to or identify the respondent.

Article (13)

A Standing Committee on Statistics shall be formed by a decision from CEO after the approval of the Board of Directors of the Centre.

Article (14)

The Standing Committee on Statistics shall have the following functions:

  1. Coordinate the work and programs of non-statistical activities.
  2.  Identify priority and programs for non-statistical activities according to the needs of government agencies and follow up the implementation of annual programs and projects.
  3. Standardization of concepts, definitions, classifications, criteria and methodologies used in statistical work.
  4. Supporting and promoting statistical studies and research.

Article (15)

The Advisory Committee on Statistics is established to provide advice to the Centre in general and to the Chief Executive Officer in particular on the best methods, experiences and international practices in the field of statistics and information. The committee shall be composed of representatives of governmental and non-governmental bodies, including academics. The committee formation and functions shall be determined by a decision issued by the Chief Executive Officer.


Chapter (2)

The Centre

Article (16)

The Centre shall be responsible for statistical activities and official statistics of the Sultanate.

Article (17)

The Centre undertakes to support statistical activities through the following:

  1. Capacity-building of human resources working in statistical activities and development of their skills, according to the available possibilities.
  2. Development of official statistics.
  3. Development and modernization of technical means that support statistical activities.
  4. Consolidating the principles and concepts of official statistics among those involved in statistical activities.
  5. Developing the circulation and availability of statistical data and information.
  6. Contribute to raising awareness of individuals, governmental and non-governmental bodies about the significance of statistical activities.
  7. Supervise those in charge of statistical activities.

Article (18)

The Centre may carry out statistical activities requested by government authorities. The Centre may carry out these activities if requested by non-governmental bodies against fees.

Article (19)

In order to achieve its objectives, the Centre may request such data, information and administrative records as it deems necessary, from individuals, governmental and non-governmental bodies, and without prejudice to the confidentiality and privacy rules of the individuals and entities' information.

Article (20)

The Centre may authorize governmental, non-governmental entities and individuals to conduct surveys and questionnaires in accordance with the provisions of this law and the conditions and controls specified in the regulations.

Article (21)

The Centre is responsible for providing official statistics requested from the Sultanate by regional or international organizations. These statistics may be provided by the relevant government agency after coordination with the Centre.


Chapter (3)

Means of Collecting Data and Information

Article (22)

The collection of data and information shall be by:

  1. Census.
  2. Surveying.
  3. Questionnaire.
  4. Administrative records.
  5. Any other means specified by the Centre.

Article (23)

In accordance with the provisions of this Law, the Centre shall have the freedom to use the published and available data and information obtained from individuals, governmental and non-governmental entities, to fulfill the official statistics objectives.

Article (24)

Any person authorized to collect data and information may enter the buildings and establishments after the consent of the owner or the person responsible for them, and in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Regulations. The owner of the building, the facility or the person in charge, should cooperate in the collection of data and information required.

Chapter (4)

Obligations of Person in Charge of Statistical Activities

Article (25):

Before assuming their duties, the official statistical staff shall take the following oath:

"I Swear by Allah the Almighty that I shall perform my duties frankly and honestly, and I shall not disclose any information that I have obtained during my work, to any individual or entity in violation of the provisions of this Law".

The directors shall take the oath before their line managers, provided that the regulation shall determine how the concerned parties shall be sworn in, and those who represent the concerned parties in swearing in, if those parties are juristic personalities.


Article (26)

Those in charge of statistical activities should not allow access to the information for those parties who are not authorized for the same.

Article (27)

The statistician shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Carry out his / her duties faithfully and professionally;
  2. Deal with the respondent appropriately,
  3. Respect the provisions of laws, regulations and decisions governing this business,
  4. Preserve the property of the State and spend its funds to the extent required by the Secretariat.
  5. Preserve the dignity of the work and behave respectfully.
  6. Not to seek information that is not related to the performance of his duties, or inaccessible to him.

Chapter (5)

Data and Information Availability

Article (28)

The Centre shall be responsible for making statistical data and information available in accordance with an annual work plan.

Article (29)

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 28 of this Law, the administrators and duty bearers shall be bound by the analysis, circulation and availability of statistical data and information, according to controls determined by the regulation.

Article (30)

With the exception of the provisions of Articles (11) and (12) of this Law, the Chief Executive Officer may authorize in writing to disclose the following data and information obtained from the official statistics:

A-   Data and information related to individuals and entities, after getting the written approval for the disclosure from the concerned individual or entity.

B-    Data and information taken in the form of index or list of entities or institutions or commercial companies, that give description to any of the following factors:

  1. Name or address.
  2. Type or activity of entity, organization and company.
  3. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
  4. Products falling within the scope of its activities.

C-    Data and information in the form of individual statistical and other records, data and information related to economic activity, provided that everything that is directly or indirectly identifies the information owner, has to be removed.


Chapter (6)


Article (31)

Without prejudice to any harsher penalty imposed by any other law, the offenses stipulated therein shall be punished by penalties identified herein.

Article (32)

Any non-governmental entity that refuses to make the required data and information available, shall be punished according to the provisions of This law, with regard to the information required by the officials or those in charge of the official statistical activities, or the entity that refrains from filling in the necessary forms for official statistics, shall be fined for each day of abstinence by payment of not less than OMR 100/- (one hundred Omani Riyals) and not more than OMR 10000/- (ten thousand Omani Riyals).

The refrainer shall be the party who does not submit the required data within the specified period, unless he gives acceptable excuse for this delay.


Article (33):

A penalty of imprisonment for not less than (10) ten days and not more than (3) three months, and a fine of not less than (500) five hundred Omani Riyals and not exceeding OMR 1000/-(one thousand Omani Riyals), or one of these penalties, shall be imposed on any person who, without an acceptable excuse, prevents the official statistician from carrying out their duties, or intentionally provide incorrect data with the intention of misleading them.

Article (34)

A fine of not less than OMR 500/- (five hundred Omani Riyals) and not exceeding OMR 1000/- (one thousand Omani Riyals) shall be imposed on any person who committed any of the following acts, while providing services to the Centre or to any other party that undertakes to carry out the official statistics:

  1. Intentionally distinguish between respondents in a manner that caused harm to any of them;
  2. Commits negligence in protecting the data collected in statistics.

Article (35)

A penalty of imprisonment for a term of not less than (3) three months and not exceeding (1) one year shall be imposed against any person providing service to the Centre or an official statistician, who intentionally discloses any data related to the Centre or to any other party with the aim of harming others or achieving personal benefits. The same penalty shall apply to any person who has been misleading or causes threats based on obtaining statistical data or information, that should be kept confidential in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article (36)

A punishment by imprisonment for a term of not less than (3) three months, and not more than (1) one year, and a fine not less OMR 500/ - (five hundred Omani Riyals), and not exceeding OMR 1000/- (one thousand Omani Riyals), or by one of these penalties, shall be imposed on anyone who pretends to be a statistician to obtain data or information from any other party.

Article (37)

A fine of not less than OMR 50/- (fifty Omani Riyals) and not exceeding OMR 5000/- (five thousand Omani Riyals) shall be imposed against any person who violates the provisions of this Law in respect of any matter that is not stated in this Law, regulations or its executive resolutions.

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